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I’m not sure if my order has gone through.
If your order has successfully gone through, we will send you an email confirming we have received your order. Make sure to check your email junk mail folder.
If you have not received your confirmation e-mail with 24 hours, please call our NESCAFÉ...
How do I change my delivery address or order once I’ve placed it?
We are sorry but we are unable to make any changes to an order once it has been submitted. If you need any further help please call our NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® team on 0800 365 234 or click here to reach...
How do I cancel an order?
We are very sorry but we are unable to cancel an order once it has been submitted.
If you need any further help please call our NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® team on 0800 365 234 or click here to reach us by email...
I am not completely satisfied with my order.
If you are not completely satisfied, please call our NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® team on 0800 365 234 or click here to reach us by email. Please let us know your order number and details of what’s happened and...
Where is my order/when will it arrive?
We endeavour to have your order to you within 3-10 working days of it being placed. When your order leaves us, you will receive a Shipment Notification email with tracking information. If you haven't received your tracking information, please call our...
It’s been over 10 days and my order hasn’t arrived. I’ve checked my tracking number and it says it should have arrived by now. What can I do?
Once your order leaves us, we rely on our parcel delivery network to deliver your parcel successfully. If you haven’t received your order, firstly, please make contact with the courier company delivering your parcel to check if it is waiting for you ...